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How to Use SMS Surveys to Gather Customer Feedback

A business owner sending a survey via text

SMS surveys are a powerful tool for gaining insightful data in the digital age when every company aims to better understand its clients. Through the widespread accessibility and convenience of text messaging, companies can communicate directly with customers and obtain real-time feedback. The following article will discuss the significance of SMS surveys and how companies may improve customer feedback approaches by using SMS surveys.

Understanding SMS Surveys and its Advantages

SMS surveys, also known as text message surveys, involve sending short, concise questionnaires to customers via SMS. These surveys typically consist of a few questions that can be answered with a simple text message. Unlike traditional survey methods, such as email or online forms, SMS surveys offer several advantages:

01. High open rates

SMS messages have significantly higher open rates compared to emails, ensuring that a larger portion of your audience will see and respond to your survey.

02. Instant delivery

SMS surveys are delivered instantly to recipients' mobile devices, making them an ideal choice for gathering real-time feedback.

03. Convenience

With SMS surveys, customers can respond to questions with a quick text message, eliminating the need for lengthy forms or surveys.

04. Accessibility

SMS surveys reach everyone with a mobile phone, regardless of their internet access. This ensures you capture feedback from a broader demographic.

05. Conciseness

The character limitations of SMS messages encourage you to craft clear and concise questions, leading to faster completion times for respondents.

06. Cost-effective

Compared to traditional survey methods, SMS surveys are generally more affordable, especially when considering factors like printing and postage costs.

The Applications of SMS Surveys

SMS surveys are adaptive and can be used for a variety of use cases.

01. Customer satisfaction surveys

Measure customer satisfaction post-purchase, after service interactions, or upon product registration.

02. Event feedback

Gather feedback on conferences, workshops, or other events while the experience is still fresh in attendees' minds.

03. Employee engagement surveys 

Evaluate employee perspective, encourage suggestions for change, or evaluate the effectiveness of internal efforts.

04. Market research

Conduct quick polls to understand customer preferences for new products, features, or pricing strategies.

05. Lead generation

Capture leads by offering incentives for completing short SMS surveys about their needs and interests.

Embracing SMS Survey Software for Streamlined Data Collection

While you can technically send SMS surveys manually, SMS survey software offers a plethora of benefits to enhance the process

01. Survey design

User-friendly interfaces allow you to create visually appealing and mobile-optimized surveys with various question types like multiple-choice, Likert scale, and open-ended questions.

02. Contact management

Import and manage your contact lists efficiently, ensuring you reach the right audience for your survey.

03. Personalization

Personalize survey invitations with recipient names and tailor questions based on demographics or previous interactions.

04. Scheduling and automation

Schedule text surveys to be sent at specific times or automated triggers based on customer actions.

05. Reporting and analytics

Generate detailed reports with insightful data visualizations to analyze survey responses effectively.

Key Strategies for Implementing SMS Surveys

01. Identify your objectives

Before launching an SMS survey campaign, clearly define your objectives and the specific insights you hope to gather. Whether you're seeking feedback on a recent purchase, measuring customer satisfaction, or measuring interest in a new product or service, clarity on your goals is essential.

02. Keep it concise

Due to the limited character count of SMS messages, keep your survey questions short and to the point. Focus on asking relevant questions that provide required insights.

03. Personalize your messages

Personalization can significantly improve the effectiveness of your SMS surveys. Address recipients by name and tailor your questions based on their past interactions with your business.

04. Timing is key

Choose the optimal time to send your SMS surveys to maximize response rates. Avoid sending surveys during busy hours or late at night when recipients are less likely to engage.

05. Incentivize participation

 Encourage participation by offering incentives such as discounts, coupons, or entry into a prize draw for completing the survey. This can motivate customers to take the time to provide feedback.

Selecting the Right SMS Survey Software

Choosing the right SMS survey software is crucial for the success of your survey campaigns. Here are some key features to consider when evaluating SMS survey software:

01. Ease of use

Look for a platform that offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive survey creation tools. This will streamline the process of designing and deploying SMS surveys.

02. Automation capabilities

Select software that allows for automated survey distribution and response tracking. Automation can save time and ensure timely follow-ups with respondents.

03. Customization options

Choose a platform that offers customization options for branding your surveys with your company logo and colors. This will help maintain brand consistency and enhance the overall survey experience for recipients.

04. Analytics and Reporting 

Select a software solution that provides robust analytics and reporting features. This will allow you to gain valuable insights from survey responses and track key metrics such as response rates and customer satisfaction scores.

05. Features

Evaluate the features offered by different platforms, ensuring they align with your specific needs like question types, reporting capabilities, and integrations.

06. Pricing

Compare pricing models, considering factors like survey volume, number of users, and desired features. Many platforms offer free trials or tiered plans to accommodate different budgets.

07. Security

Ensure the platform prioritizes data security with measures like encryption and compliance with relevant privacy regulations.

Tips for Crafting Your Text Message Survey

To maximize the effectiveness of your SMS surveys, follow these best practices

01. Keep it short and sweet

Each message should be concise and to the point. Limit your survey to a maximum of 5-10 questions to maintain respondent engagement.

02. Ask clear and concise questions

Frame your questions in a way that is easy to understand within the text message format.

03. Provide clear instructions

Explain the survey's purpose and how long it will take to complete.

04. Clear Call to Action

Make it easy to understand what you want them to do (e.g., click the link to take the survey).

05. Offer an Opt-Out option

06. Express gratitude

Thank the recipient for their time and feedback.

Sample Text Message Survey Template (Response-Based)

Initial Survey Request

Follow-Up Questions (Optional)

Reminder (If No Response)

Initial Invitation


Thank You Message


In conclusion, SMS surveys offer a convenient and effective way for businesses to gather valuable customer feedback. By following best practices and leveraging the right SMS survey software, businesses can gain actionable insights that drive informed decision-making and enhance the overall customer experience. Incorporate SMS surveys into your feedback strategy today and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

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