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Writer's pictureAmila Udowita

How to Text Customers You're Closed on Labor Day

Labors receiving labor day wish text messages

Labor Day is that one day a year dedicated to the unsung heroes of the workplace—your employees! Giving your team the day off isn’t just a “nice-to-have,” it’s a must. Here’s why your business should close its doors on Labor Day, and how to keep your customers in the loop with cleverly crafted SMS messages.

Why Your Business Should Give Employees a Break on Labor Day

Happy employees make happy customers

When your employees are rested, they bring their A-game to work. Labor Day is the perfect time to let them recharge. The result? They come back refreshed, ready to wow your customers with even better service. It’s a win-win!

Show your team you care

Closing for Labor Day is a big statement—it tells your team you value their hard work. This kind of appreciation builds loyalty, and a loyal team can be the backbone of your business. Plus, a break gives them time to spend with family and friends, making them even happier to return to work.

Boost your brand image

Letting your customers know that you’re taking care of your employees enhances your brand identity as well as the brand’s reputation. People love doing business with companies that show they care about their staff. It’s the kind of goodwill that money can’t buy, but a day off can.

Let the creativity flow

A well-rested brain is a creative brain. Give your employees the day to relax, and they might just come back with the next big idea that takes your business to new heights. Sometimes, stepping away from work is the best way to make progress.

SMS Templates to Notify Customers You’re Closed on Labor Day

Now that you’ve decided to give your team the day off, it’s time to let your customers know. Here are some SMS templates for different use cases, so you can keep your customers informed in style.

General notification

This is your go-to message for a general announcement to all customers. It’s friendly, and appreciative, and lets them know you’ll be back soon.

Urgent reminder for upcoming appointments

Use this when you need to inform customers who had appointments scheduled on Labor Day. It’s clear, and to the point, and it reschedules their appointment seamlessly.

Special offer alert

This one’s perfect for when you want to sweeten the deal for customers after the holiday. It keeps them engaged and looking forward to visiting you after the break.

Social media callout

For businesses with a strong online presence, this message encourages customers to engage with your brand on social media while you’re closed.

VIP customer notification

If you’ve got a list of VIP customers, this message makes them feel special and informed. It’s personalized and teases a return with something extra just for them.

Post-Holiday teaser

Build excitement for the day after Labor Day. This message is great if you’re planning a new product launch, sale, or event and want to keep your customers curious.

SMS Templates to Engage Your Employees on Labor Day

Labor Day is also an opportunity to show your employees how much you appreciate them. Here are some SMS templates that can make your team feel valued and connected, even on their day off.

Thank you message

A simple, heartfelt thank you can go a long way in making your employees feel appreciated.

Motivational message

This message reminds your employees that their efforts are noticed and valued, encouraging them to return with renewed energy.

Employee appreciation

Let your team know that this day is truly about them and their contributions to the company.

Team bonding opportunity

Encourage team bonding with a post-Labor Day event. This message shows that you care about your employees’ well-being and team spirit.

SMS Marketing Templates for Labor Day Promotions

Labor Day is also a prime time for promotions. Here’s how you can use SMS marketing to boost your sales around the holiday.

Pre-Labor day sale alert

Build anticipation and drive early traffic to your store with a pre-sale announcement.

Labor day exclusive offer

Create urgency with a one-day-only offer that encourages customers to shop on Labor Day.

Post-Labor day sale reminder

Capture late shoppers with an extended sale, giving them one last chance to grab a deal.

New product launch tease

Generate excitement for a new product by teasing its launch right after the holiday.

VIP early access

Reward your loyal customers with exclusive early access to sales, making them feel valued and special.

Wrapping It Up

Giving your employees a holiday on Labor Day is more than just a kind gesture; it’s a smart business move. Your team returns rested, your brand image gets a boost, and your customers see that you truly care about the people behind the scenes.

And with the right SMS templates, you can easily notify your customers about the closure, ensuring they’re in the know and ready to support your business as soon as the doors reopen. So go ahead, close up shop for Labor Day, and let everyone enjoy the day—you’ve earned it!

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