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Industry: Legal Services 

How a Law Firm Enhanced Client Communication with Falkon SMS

Law firm

"Falkon SMS has transformed how we communicate with our clients. The ability to use our existing business number for texting is a game-changer. Our clients appreciate the convenience, and we've noticed a significant improvement in our communication efficiency."


The Challenge

The law firm needed an efficient way to communicate with clients. They sought a reliable SMS communication tool after Zipwhip, their former trusted SMS provider, was acquired and no longer available.

The Solution 

Falkon SMS provided the perfect solution by enabling the law firm to use their existing business number for texting clients.


How did we solve it?


Enhanced Communication

Since clients found it convenient, they continued to communicate via SMS, leading to faster and more responsive interactions.


Operational Efficiency

By using their existing business number, the law firm streamlined their communication process without needing additional resources or numbers. 


Client Satisfaction

The familiarity of using SMS improved overall client satisfaction and engagement. 

The transition to Falkon SMS ensured reliability and efficiency in their communication processes. Additionally, Falkon SMS now integrates seamlessly with Clio. Clio users can enhance their legal communication by incorporating text messaging features directly into the Clio platform with Falkon SMS.

Law firm using texting to communicate with a client


Falkon SMS provided the law firm with reliabilities needed after Zipwhip's acquisition, ensuring smooth and efficient communication with clients.

By leveraging SMS, they have enhanced client satisfaction and streamlined their operations, showcasing Falkon SMS as a powerful tool for law firms. 

Interested in how Falkon SMS

can benefit your law firm?


Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how we can improve your client communication. 

A lawyer using Clio SMS integration with Falkon SMS
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